
What Is IASTM?

Instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) is a manual therapy approach that detects and treats soft tissue dysfunctions with specialized, stainless-steel tools. IASTM aims to increase mobility and alleviate pain in regions impacted by soft tissue constraints, such as the muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and scar tissue.

IASTM works by breaking adhesions or scar tissue that might develop due to injury, chronic inflammation, or overuse. This technique is typically performed with other manual therapies, stretches, and exercise techniques.

There are many different IASTM techniques, such as The Graston, RockTape®, and HawkGrips®. IASTM has become widely recognized and used by many physical therapy practices, including our team at Dockery & Associates Physical Therapy.

We treat patients with an evidence-based, patient-centered approach. Our team of experienced physical therapists at Dockery & Associates Physical Therapy in Madison, AL use instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization techniques.

Call our clinic today to learn more about IASTM and schedule your first appointment!

Conditions That Our Physical Therapists Treat

IASTM can help improve symptoms from several musculoskeletal conditions. Some of the conditions that our physical therapists treat with this manual technique include:

Scar tissue/adhesions

Scar tissue and adhesions are common following surgery, injuries, or trauma. IASTM can be used to break down scar tissue and improve the mobility of the affected area.

Soft tissue injuries

Soft tissue injuries can occur when the soft tissue of ligaments and tendons becomes damaged. These injuries include the following:

Sprain: Stretching or tearing of ligaments, the fibrous tissue that connects bones and joints.

Strain: Stretching or tearing of a muscle or a tendon tissue connecting muscle to bone

Contusions (bruises)

Contusions damage the underlying blood vessels and tissues, causing bleeding and inflammation in the affected area. In some cases, these injuries don’t heal properly, leading to adhesions and scar tissue formation, which can benefit from IASTM.

Overuse soft-tissue injuries

Overuse Injuries are caused by repetitive stress. These include:

Tendinitis: Tendinitis results in the inflammation of a tendon and can cause pain and reduced range of motion.

Bursitis: Painful inflammation of the bursae (small, fluid-filled sacs that act as a protective layer between the bones, tendons, and muscles near your joints.)

Chronic pain

There are several forms of chronic pain, such as:

Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, affecting millions of people worldwide. Symptoms include pain and stiffness, especially in the hip, knee, and thumb joints.

Chronic back pain: Pain that persists for at least 12 weeks, even after an initial injury or underlying cause has been treated.

Our patients can achieve the pain-free life they deserve by utilizing an evidence-based approach to physical therapy with effective treatments like IASTM. We are equipped with the tools that you need for a successful recovery.

Are you experiencing pain or discomfort? Call us today to learn more about our treatment plans and book a consultation!

IASTM Treatments in Physical Therapy

To design a treatment plan, our physical therapists at Dockery & Associates Physical Therapy in Madison, AL will begin by reviewing your medical history and identifying factors that may contribute to your current condition. Our hands-on assessment allows us to locate and examine the affected areas, providing vital insight into the extent of your pain or injury.

We may conduct a range of motion and strength testing to pinpoint areas of weakness or restriction. This helps us to set realistic goals and measure progress over time. Specialized testing is also performed to determine if IASTM therapy is best for your needs.

Several forms of IASTM are used in physical therapy, including the following:

  • Graston Technique: The Graston Technique helps to break down scar tissue, reduce pain, and improve range of motion. This form of IASTM uses six different instruments that are specially designed to detect and treat soft tissue lesions. Patients with knee injuries, repetitive stress injuries, and chronic pain can all benefit from the Graston Technique.
  • Augmented Soft Tissue Manipulation (ASTYM): ASTYM is another type of IASTM that uses three specially designed tools to stimulate the healing process in the body. It treats soft tissue injuries like tendinitis, plantar fasciitis, and chronic pain.
  • Functional and Kinetic Treatment and Rehab (FAKTR): FAKTR can treat various musculoskeletal conditions, including sprains, strains, plantar fasciitis, shin splints, and post-surgical recovery. FAKTR instruments are made of durable surgical stainless steel with double-beveled edges, allowing our providers to apply treatments easily without changing positions.

IASTM is not typically performed alone; your treatment plan will involve other techniques, such as targeted stretching and strengthening exercises, to ensure optimal recovery and the best possible results.

Our team of highly trained physical therapists is here to reduce your pain and restore lost functions with the most effective techniques. Our mission at Dockery & Associates Physical Therapy in Madison, AL is to relieve your pain using innovative treatments, research-based practices, and personalized care. We will work closely with you to develop a treatment plan that is customized to your unique needs and helps you achieve a better quality of life.

Don’t wait to find relief. Call us today to learn more about IASTM and schedule an appointment!

Your Next Steps…

  1. Request An Appointment

  2. Receive A Custom Treatment Plan

  3. Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery

  4. Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!

Unlock Your Full Potential!